How To Connect Mixer To Amplifier

Before getting to learn how to connect mixer to amplifier lets first go into details on what a mixer and amplifier is, their purpose, and how they work together hand in hand.

What are Amplifiers

Amplifiers are used in any audio equipment for broadcasting and wireless communication, they are used to receive the electrical signals then enlarge and amplify the signal. When it comes to how amplifiers works, they receive an input signal from a source and then create an enlarged version of the original signal received, they have the ability to enlarge as much power as possible to be able to connect to a loudspeaker because they have as much as 110 volts power signal.

Purpose of Amplifiers

Although there are different designs and types of amplifiers, they all perform the same functions and operate in the same way. Amplifiers have three basic connections, we have the input from the source itself, the output to the speakers, and the 110-volt power signal wall socket. As earlier mentioned the purpose of an amplifier is to receive electrical or power signal so this power that is being sent from the 110 volts is then sent to the power supply which is also the section of the amplifier this power is then converted from the existing current to the direct current than the electrical current from the direct current is being sent to a variable resistor which is also called the transistor which then reduces the transistor resistance which in return allows current to flow based on the size of signal from the input source, the amount of signal from the input source determines the amplification of the signal and how quickly the transistor will operate in relation to the frequency of the input signal. To get a sound with the amplifier you can also use a volume control like a potentiometer this will let you control the amount of current going through the speakers and then controls the volume level. As earlier stated we have different types of amplifiers we have the voltage amplifier, trans resistance amplifier, voltage amplifier, power amplifier, transconductance amplifier, transistor amplifier. Instrument amplifier and so on.

Things to look out for before getting an amplifier are the stability, bandwidth, noise, linearity, efficiency, gain, output range, skew rate, this little but important details will be taken  a look at


The stability of an amplifier matter because this provides reliable and constant output.


This deals with the area of frequency range at which the amplifier can operate


You also have to look out for the noise by looking at the amount of unwanted extra noise and signals that are included in the output of the amplifier.


This deals with input and output signals and the degree of proportionality between them


This is also important when it comes to getting an amplifier. It deals with the ratio between the power consumption and the output power.


The gain is the ratio between the magnitudes of the output and input signals

Output range

This deals and determines the difference between the smallest and largest useful output levels

Skew rate 

The skew rate determines the rate at which the maximum number of output occurs and changes

What are mixers

Mixers are often used to change the qualities of audio signals, they can arrange several input audio signals in a subtle manner with great balance, they are also used to adjust the tone quality of the output audio to make it easy to listen to. Just like amplifiers, there are different types and models of audio mixers, we have the digital mixer, analog mixer, and powered mixer.

Digital mixer- has the ability to process input audio signals and the tone and volume can be adjusted using digital signal processing technology. Digital audio mixers are capable of storing faders and knobs can recall their positions instantly, and they offer a series of other great functions.

Analog mixer- compared to the digital mixer, various tone control won’t be possible because analog speakers adjust the volume and tone using input audio signals and it is easier to understand the signal flow because most of the control knobs and faders are already arranged on the top panel.

Powered mixers- these are also like analog mixer but they have inbuilt power amplifiers, this way sounds can be played if the mixer is directly connected to the speakers. The powered mixers are very easy to use and can easily connect to equipment by just putting it on.

We will be taking a look at what an audio mixer does

Audio mixers are used to optimize and filter sounds with adjusting levels, its function is to take two or more audio signals and merge them together to give more output signals. Audio mixers are also used to enhance sounds with effects and equalization and record mixers and also create monitor fields.

When it comes to the number of input channels in a mixer, this feature is very important because it shows the number of musical instrument and microphone signals it can operate with, and you also have to take note if the input channel is for microphone or manoural alone and take note if the input channel will accept stereo signals.

There are cases where audio signals picked by a microphone are very weak, in this situation you would need to make use of an amplifier, we would be going into further details on how to connect the mixer to amplifier when you come across such a case.

How to connect mixer to amplifier 

After the in-depth explanation of what an amplifier and mixer are and how they function, Now to the main question of how to connect the mixer to the amplifier. Follow these steps on how to connect a mixer and amplifier with no stress.


Make sure you unplug and power off both devices from any electrical connection so as to avoid a short circuit and damage or noise when connecting the two devices together. After this, you then place the speakers where you want them to stay and make sure you spread out and straighten the speaker cable and make sure there is no excess cable coiled at the bottom right where the speaker is.

Step 2

Connect the plugs on one end of the speaker cable to the out jacks on the audio mixer .this jack is located at the right along the back of the component. All you have to do is to plug the left speaker cable right into the ‘L’ jack n the back of the mixer component then plugs the right cable into the ‘R’ jack.however some mixers come with a  monitor system,  If you use a monitor, plug one speaker cable into the “L+R” jack. Then, you’ll be able to chain the speakers that will let you easily see  “L/Monitor” for one of the jack and then  “R/L+R” for the other jack. Also, you will find a switch on the mixer that will allow you to select the use of the monitor and the use of the speakers or if you just want to use only the speakers.


After this you insert the plugs on the other end of the mixer into the amplifier IN audio jacks just like you did in step 2, you will insert the white wire into the left jack, then the red wire into the right jack. After plugging the speaker cables to the end of the speakers confirm if they are firmly connected. And If you happen to be running both jacks out of the mixer into the speakers, then you have to plug directly from the mixer to the speakers, this process will put the amplified speakers together and leave the monitor jack on the mixer free for your monitors. The two jacks on the back of the speaker will work perfectly well together. And If you also happen to be using a monitor setup, then you have plug the cable from the mixer into the one speaker. In some cases, you can run the line from the mixer right into the left speaker and then you plug the speaker cable from the right speaker right into the second jack on the left speaker. 

Step 4

After these steps insert the power cords to the speakers then plug them into an electric outlet and turn them on, both the speaker and mixer but first put on the mixer then the amplifier and before this make sure the volumes are turned all the way down after turning on the mixer and amplifier you can then turn on the volume output level control. Then make sure to set the amplifier selector knob into the set of the audio IN jacks and connect it with the powered mixer then try and adjust the volume on the amplifier to any level, tone, and frequency you want.

Step 5

After going through all these steps, check your connection, check through your volume controls. If your amplifier is connected to speakers also, and your mixer has an audio signal running through it, then you know everything is fine with the sounds it brings out.

Some Troubleshooting Tips

If you are having issues with connecting the mixer with the amplifier even after following all these steps, then take a look at some of these tips

  • Always make sure to put off the mixer before connecting or disconnecting from the sound system
  • After making sure all your equipment are turned on, check if the volume controls are turned up also right on the mixer and the amplifier, then check all the input channel level control as well 
  • After these steps check your headphone to see if you are getting any sounds
  • When using a monitor, you can adjust the monitor volume separately from the main speaker and on mixers, you can make use of the volume sliders, you can adjust the volume of the speakers separately through the right and left channel.
  • In some cases, you would need to check the fuse and circuit breakers as the connection might cut the audio and power signal off, in cases like this, you would need to turn off the equipment for it to reset.
  • Always try not to run a separate amplifier with your amplified speakers because this might cause damage to your speakers.
  • Always check the cables between the mixer and the amplifier and make sure they are in the right places and the connections are secure, this also applies to the connection between the amplifiers and the speakers.
  • Never try to fix any of your equipment yourself, take it to authorized personnel or technician.


Now after knowing what a mixer and amplifier are in detail and how to connect them to each other, now you know its really not much of a bid deal so far you follow the processes accordingly and step by step.