What Guitar Scale Should I Learn First? (A Must Read For Every Guitarist)

“what guitar scale should I learn first?” 

This is a question every guitarist at the beginning stage seeks to find an answer to. And you are right on time as I will be guiding you to the specific scale you should learn before taking lessons on other guitar scales.

You’d also discover the following information in this article;

  • Important tips every beginner guitarist must follow.
  • Answers to the most asked questions on what guitar scale should I learn first.
  • The End Of The Road

So what am I saying?

See for yourself.

Interesting Answer To What Guitar Scale Should I Learn First

The guitar is not considered the most difficult instrument to learn. Nonetheless, this does not imply that learning how to play the guitar is a walk in the park.

The truth is: anyone who fails to learn the guitar strings in the right order would find this instrument very difficult to play. The order of learning is to progress from the basic to the most complex scale.

Does that make any sense to you?

The first guitar scale any beginner should learn is the Minor Pentatonic Scale. This scale belongs to the minor scale of the guitar. It is the most commonly used scale on the guitar. Hence, the need to learn it first. 

The minor pentatonic scale is obtained from the natural minor scale by removing the 2nd and 6th scale degrees from the minor scale. The minor pentatonic scale formula is 1, b3, 4, 5, b7 (A C D E G). Upon the removal of the two scales, five scales are left, therefore, this scale is famously broken down into five positions and this is the reason for the -Penta- prefix.

Revealing The Importance Of Minor Pentatonic Scale

These are the importance of learning this particular pentatonic scale as a guitarist.

  • The pentatonic scale is the foundation of every other scale out there. Grasping the understanding of how to play this scale eases the learning of other scales.
  • The pentatonic scale is versatile and can blend perfectly well with nearly all types of chord progression. This is because the notes are all consonant.
  • The ability to play pentatonic scales soars your confidence in your skills. Your ability to play the scales means you can go head to head or perform anywhere without the constant worry that someone would challenge your expertise.
  • It gives you a better understanding of how to improvise during live performances. Also helps you to understand why other artists play the notes they play.

These are the top importance attributed to the ability to play the most common scale on the guitar.

Got that?

How To Learn The Minor Pentatonic Scale As A Guitarist

Learning how to play this scale is effective via a visual demonstration. This is why I have included this demonstration tutorial on How To Play the Minor Pentatonic Scale On Guitar by Sweetwater.

Watch from 4:24 minute


Important Tips Every Beginner Guitarist Must Follow

Take note:

Every guitarist must endeavour to follow these important tips before you can call yourself a professional guitarist. You are setting up yourself for incompetence as a guitarist if you skip any one of these.

Anyhoo, they are;

Learn difficult chords

How Beatles became a legend was by playing around different chords used by other artists. Do the same, practise with a variety of strings. 

Learn how to hold the guitar properly

Rest the guitar on your right leg, hold the neck of the guitar in between the first finger (at the front of the string) and the thumb (at the back of the neck) of your fretting hand, ensure the guitar neck is parallel to the floor and rest the biceps of your right arm on the top of the guitar.

Learn Barre chords

The art of playing barre chords is considered a very powerful skill when you are at the beginning stage of learning guitar. It involves the use of the index finger across the entire set of strings on the fingerboard. It is considered very difficult but once you learn it, you are good!

Only learn barre chords when you have satisfactorily mastered open chords. Otherwise, it’d amount to wasted effort.


Strumming the guitar takes a toll on your fingers. Therefore, you need to engage in exercises that’ll help strengthen your fingers and your hands. I recommend fisting your fingers for about 60 seconds then spreading out. For at least 5 times using both hands.

Invest in long hours of practice

This is the truth: Continuous practice develops your skills. If you don’t practice you’ll never escape the claws of mediocrity as a guitarist. Ensure you practice on a daily basis, it is more beneficial than practising long hours once a week.

Position playing

Position playing indicates the ability to perform melodies higher on the fretboard than in the open position.

Answers To The Most Asked Questions On What Guitar Scale Should I Learn First 

What scales should every guitarist know?

The Minor Pentatonic Scale, The Blues Scale, The Natural Minor Scale or the Aeolian Mode, The Major Scale, The Dorian Mode, and The Mixolydian Mode. Following the order of minor pentatonic scale down to the Mixolydian mode.

What is a scale?

A scale is a group of notes that sound good together. They are an organized sequence of notes played in an ascending or descending order that helps to create melody, harmony, and chords. It also helps to build finger strength and dexterity. 

Should a beginner guitarist learn scales?

Yes! Learning guitar scales as a beginner deepens your understanding of music.

What is improvising?

When strumming your guitar and you begin to come up with new melodies on the go. That is, without any prior rehearsal or practice. 

Why should I learn scales?

It is a form of physical exercise, that helps build strength in your fingers. It also improves your chance of improvising whenever you are on a solo performance.

What note do I start on?

Always start on the root note regardless of the scale you intend to play and end on the same note too. 

How many hours a day should I practise the guitar?

There is a general consensus that it is better to practise shorter periods and if you desire to go long hours, break the hours with short breaks. 15 minutes of practice is considered enough at a stretch. Anything beyond 20 minutes should have breaks in between.

Departing Thoughts

By now, I think you must have concluded on an answer to “what guitar scale should I learn first?


Are you ready to learn the minor pentatonic scale guitar notes? Great decision-making on your end. Ince you begin t apply these notes in your performance you will be amazed by how handy they come whenever you’re playing or improvising. 

Master this scale and watch how playing guitar becomes more rewarding and fun for you. Gracias!